Phishing é o método preferido do cibercrime

O trabalho híbrido tornou-se uma norma no ambiente corporativo e o cibercrime passou a aproveitar mais do que nunca os pontos cegos na segurança integrada dos serviços de e-mail. Em 2023, o Trend Vision One – Email and Collaboration Security (conhecido também como Cloud App Security), solução da Trend Micro, empresa mundial em soluções de cibersegurança, descobriu mais de 45 milhões

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IBM and The All England Lawn Tennis Club Launch New Generative AI Feature for Personalised Player Stories at Wimbledon

IBM (NYSE: IBM) and The All England Lawn Tennis Club today announced a new feature for the Wimbledon digital experience that will leverage match data with generative AI from IBM’s AI and data platform, watsonx, to keep fans updated on the world’s leading players as they advance through The Championships. The new ‘Catch Me Up’ feature

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IBM Study: Canadian fans are changing how they consume sports

As sports fans worldwide tune in to a myriad of athletic events this summer, new research commissioned by IBM (NYSE: IBM) reveals a growing generational shift and acceptance of technology-driven experiences that will impact the future of sports consumption. The international study*, conducted by Morning Consult, gathers insights from more than 18,000 sports fans across 10 countries to

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Cybersecurity: IBM and MLSE monitor cyberthreats and protect digitally engaged fans

When people talk about what makes sports franchises successful, the notion of a “winning culture” almost always comes up. And while almost everyone has an opinion of what makes up such a culture, factors like a willingness to invest in the future, an eye for talent and a top-to-bottom commitment to certain “winning” values are

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SMB malware infections rising amid resurgence of attacks leveraging Microsoft Excel, Kaspersky reports

Ahead of International SMB (Small-Medium Businesses) Day on June 27, a new Kaspersky report reveals that the number of malware infections experienced by small and medium-sized businesses rose by 5% during the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period last year. The number of users who encountered malware and unwanted software hiding in

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Kaspersky opens CFP for 2024 Security Analyst Summit

Kaspersky has unveiled details on the renowned Security Analyst Summit (SAS), set to take place for the sixteenth time from October 22-25, 2024, in Bali. This exclusive three-day conference invites cybersecurity researchers, law enforcement, government agencies, CERTs, and senior executives to explore the latest trends in the cyberthreat landscape. The call for papers (CFP), inviting

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Bancos revelarão estratégias de migração para a nuvem no FEBRABAN TECH 2024

O setor financeiro é pioneiro no país em investimento em tecnologia e, no quadro atual de digitalização de serviços, a migração para a nuvem da estrutura de TI passou a ser uma decisão estratégica. Inovação, agilidade e flexibilidade demandadas pelos clientes, além da competição, direcionam os bancos a optarem por soluções baseadas em nuvem. A

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Trend Micro e Nvidia desenvolvem solução para proteger Data Centers que utilizam Inteligência Artificial

A Trend Micro, empresa global de segurança cibernética, anunciou uma nova solução desenvolvida em colaboração com a Nvidia para proteger os modernos Data Centers empresariais e governamentais que utilizam Inteligência Artificial (IA). Esta é uma das várias soluções de segurança de IA que estão sendo demonstradas pela primeira vez na COMPUTEX 2024, feira realizada em Taipé

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New independent tests of endpoint protection reveal significant differences in performance and efficacy

BlackBerry Limited (NYSE: BB; TSX: BB) announced the results of a commissioned study by The Tolly Group – a highly reputable independent test lab and provider of third-party validation services for the tech industry – showing that the company’s CylanceENDPOINT solution blocked the most attacks while using fewer system resources, thus minimizing the disruption and

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IBM expands team and capabilities in Canada Software Lab to accelerate adoption of Generative AI and other key technologies

IBM (NYSE: IBM) announced the expansion of IBM Technology Expert Labs in Markham, Ontario, Canada to support Canadian and global organizations as they continue to adopt and integrate generative AI, such as watsonx, IBM’s AI and data platform, Hybrid Cloud, and Cybersecurity solutions. According to a report by Conference Board of Canada, a think tank that is

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